
Blaenau Gwent Council recycling performance continues to improve

Annual recycling targets have been met again by Blaenau Gwent Council who have exceeded the 64% Welsh Government target. A report presented to Cabinet on 4th December confirms that the recycling rate figure of 66.18% was achieved.

The Blaenau Gwent Waste and Recycling Team has made considerable progress in recent years by increasing the amount the borough recycles. However, the Welsh Government 2024-25 target rises to 70% which will be a challenge.

The Council Waste Teams are already working with Welsh Government, through Local Partners and the Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), to develop a new strategy which will further increase their recycling to achieve the new 2024-25 rate and beyond.

Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Place and Environment Councillor Helen Cunningham said:

“I would like to thank residents for continuing to recycle and exceed this year’s Welsh Government recycling target. In the future we will be expected to recycle even more, so we are continuing to work alongside households to reduce the amount of black bag waste. Our waste collection service is constantly evolving to ensure we make the most of our resources and to make collections more efficient.â€